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Collection of Best Spiritual Books and Free Spiritual Books PDF. Free Download Books are also available here. JRR Tolkien - Lord of the Rings bltadwin.ru JRR Tolkien - Lord of the Rings bltadwin.ru Sign In. Details. When El Patron the Lord of a Drug Empire called Opium dies, a 14 year old boy named Matt who was El Patron's perfect clone of himself, becomes the new Drug Lord of Opium. Opium was known as a small area between the U.S and Mexico and is the most powerful drug empire. Upon becoming the new El Patron, Matt did not appreciate how things were being.

The Land of Opium is the largest territory of the Dope Confederacy, which ranges on the map like an intestine from the ruins of San Diego to the ruins of Matamoros. But while Opium thrives, the rest of the world has been devastated by ecological disaster—and hidden in Opium is the cure. And that isn’t all that awaits within the depths of Opium. When El Patron the Lord of a Drug Empire called Opium dies, a 14 year old boy named Matt who was El Patron's perfect clone of himself, becomes the new Drug Lord of Opium. Opium was known as a small area between the U.S and Mexico and is the most powerful drug empire. Upon becoming the new El Patron, Matt did not appreciate how things were being. Nancy Farmer’s The Lord of Opium was a joy to read. I quite enjoyed the first book, The House of the Scorpion, even though I found it relatively flat throughout. The dystopian content of Scorpion was enough to keep me interested until the very end. I enjoyed The Lord of Opium even more than the first book.


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